It’s time to once again go over the best of worse movies of the past year. This year I will be doing it a bit different, instead of assigning a rank to each movie I will divide them into a few categories from worst to best. Keep in mind that these are my personal opinions, it’s totally fine if you liked a movie I hated and vice versa.
Modern smartphones have a lot of processing power but navigating them can still be quite slow when you think about it. Try to open the app drawer and scroll to your favorite app and open it. Isn’t your finger often faster than the interface? This isn’t because your phone can’t keep up, it’s because of all the animations the operating system insist of showing you to make things pretty.
In this article I will show you how you can disable or change the speed of these animations so that navigating really will be down to the speed of your thumb (and maybe your processor).
I tend to go to the cinema quite a lot so I thought I would rank the movies I have seen in the cinema during 2023. Starting with worst one and ending with the best one. The rules are that it has to be a movie that premiered in 2023 in Sweden and I saw it in the cinema. Keep in mind that these are my personal opinions, it’s totally fine if you liked a movie I hated and vice versa.
If you run your own Plex server it would be nice to not get a certificate error when you surf to it in your browser. You could use something like Lets Encrypt if your server is publicly available but I wouldn’t recommend having your Plex server publicly available. So what I have done is created a custom top level domain that is local to my network so I have an easy to remember host name. But that also means I have to create my own certificate authority.
This guide will go through how you setup youtube-dl to automatically download videos from your favorite Youtube channels to a Plex server running on TrueNAS.
TrueNAS includes a set of plugins that will configure a certain application in a jail, for instance Plex. It’s a really nice feature, it works and it’s easy to use. But for long term use the plugins tend to not work as well. I’ve seen issues keeping the jail up to date, both with the latest release of Plex but also with the latest release of FreeBSD. For long term use a custom jail is a better choice since you have much more control over it. Here I will show how you can migrate Plex already running as a plugin to a custom jail on TrueNAS.
Plex has support for podcasts and web shows (which I henceforth will refer to as video podcasts) but I’ve never been a fan of their implementation. You can only listen to podcasts offline on Android (I have at least not seen a download feature on other platforms that I use) and there are constant problems with resuming playback where I left off. For video podcasts I have never seen an option to download them on any platform.
Therefore I have been searching for an alternative solution that still would work with Plex and that solution is called Podget. Podget is basically just a bash-script that can download any podcast that supplies a RSS-feed. So the idea is that Podget will download the episodes into a folder Plex can read from. Here is how I set it up in a jail on TrueNAS.