How to setup a GUI for Wireguard on PopOS

  1. Make sure you have your Wireguard configuration file saved locally.
  2. Use nmcli to import the config file:
    nmcli connection import type wireguard file wireguard.conf
  3. Install this GNOME extension:
  4. You should now have a Wireguard icon in the top right of your screen.
  5. Click on the Wireguard icon and then Settings.
  6. Make sure Use nmcli is selected.
  7. Close the settings window, you should now be able to select the Wireguard config you just imported.

How to make navigating your Android phone a lot faster

Modern smartphones have a lot of processing power but navigating them can still be quite slow when you think about it. Try to open the app drawer and scroll to your favorite app and open it. Isn’t your finger often faster than the interface? This isn’t because your phone can’t keep up, it’s because of all the animations the operating system insist of showing you to make things pretty.

In this article I will show you how you can disable or change the speed of these animations so that navigating really will be down to the speed of your thumb (and maybe your processor).

Continue reading “How to make navigating your Android phone a lot faster”

How to check if your server or any services needs restarting with Nagios

If you are running a Linux server that don’t have rebootless kernel patching like KernelCare or Canonical Livepatch then chances are you are running an out of date kernel. And that is understandable because keep tracking of new kernels and rebooting your servers isn’t fun. But Nagios can do that job for you, or at least the part of looking for a new kernel, and then notify you of when it’s time to reboot! That way you don’t have to worry about being vulnerable to known kernel exploits just because you haven’t rebooted your server.

Continue reading “How to check if your server or any services needs restarting with Nagios”

How to use Git over a custom SSH port

This will be a quick tip! If you are using Git over SSH and the Git server isn’t using the default port of 22 for SSH things doesn’t just work any more. You can no longer for instance run:

git clone

That will just time out since Git assumes you are using the default port. Instead you need to run the following command:

git clone ssh://

Replace 5555 with the custom port that your Git server is using.

How to create a bootable USB drive for Spinrite

Spinrite is a really nice data recovery/drive maintenance software from GRC. But it was made before the time when booting from USB drives became popular, or even possible. The manual even begins with “CREATE A CLEAN BOOT DISKETTE”, which should tell you just how old it is. That doesn’t mean it still isn’t useful but it would be really nice not to have to boot from a diskette or a CD/DVD. Continue reading “How to create a bootable USB drive for Spinrite”

The best classic Windows apps you should get from the Windows Store

I find that the Windows Store on Windows 10 often is overlooked. And frankly there are a lot of good reasons to do that but it’s not all bad. One of the best things about the store I think is the ability for developers to distribute their classic win32 apps. I think that if you have the choice between downloading an app from the developers website or the Windows Store, you should choose the Store. Continue reading “The best classic Windows apps you should get from the Windows Store”

How to use integrated graphics for Plex transcoding

Plex is my platform of choice for streaming local media. It’s great for streaming my Blu-ray collection to any platform I use that have a Plex app on it. But not all platforms support direct playback of Blu-ray rips (mkv-files). I can still play it but the video needs to be transcoded by the Plex media server first to a format the player supports. That process can be quite intensive for an uncompressed Blu-ray. Continue reading “How to use integrated graphics for Plex transcoding”

The most useful hidden Firefox settings

Sorry for the click bait headline but in this case it’s totally true. Let me explain, Firefox only shows you a fraction of its available settings in the interface. If you open a new tab and type about:config in the address bar you will come to a page with hundreds of options.

I have in this article collected the most useful settings in Firefox that you can only find on the about:config page. If you know of a useful setting that is not included in this article please leave a comment below and I will update the article! Continue reading “The most useful hidden Firefox settings”